Is it ABSOLUTELY true?

Is it ABSOLUTELY true?

One way to stop the onslaught of negative thought spiralling. Consider these three simple questions…

  • Could it be true?

  • Is it true?

  • Is it absolutely true?

Getting Your Child's Brain Online for Learning

Getting Your Child's Brain Online for Learning

When learning, the input is received through our senses and then each of our brains consolidate the information in a unique way. If we can identify for our kids, their top intelligences or consolidation methods, we can help them learn faster, retain more of the information and actually enjoy schooling.

Growing solid values in kids through sport

Growing solid values in kids through sport

One of my clearest memories of playing sport as a kid was the cheering of my parents on the sideline at my junior soccer matches. My Dad was an opera singer so you could hear his voice a long way away. It kind of stood out you could say! Especially when the cry was “that is it, Smash them!”

Time In or Time Out?

Time In or Time Out?

If there’s anything I have noticed since having my own kids is that when they know they are loved, they are secure and kind. They mostly do all the things that make me feel like I’m a great mum. However, if they feel threatened, jealous or missing out on my attention, all hell breaks loose. Read on to discover how we can help our child feel secure most of the time even when they're "in trouble"!

Got Your Dance Shoes On?

Got Your Dance Shoes On?

In our relationships we often find ourselves stuck repeating old dance moves that are not growing the connection we so desire. When we identify what our standard moves are we have scope to learn something new. As we do something different, our partner has the opportunity to respond and the dance changes and has the potential to create something beautiful. Get those dance shoes on - what are you waiting for!!

Is your child's behaviour telling you something?

Is your child's behaviour telling you something?

Imagine this scene. Your children are playing Lego quietly together after bathing and putting on their pyjamas. You are finishing up making dinner smiling to yourself. Silently congratulating yourself on the culinary delights you are preparing and the stellar job of parenting that you are managing when WW3 erupts from the bedroom and the children come running out screaming at each other and crying.

Strategies to Stop Study Stressing

Strategies to Stop Study Stressing

Have you heard the old joke, “How do you eat an elephant?” The answer is “One spoonful at a time!”

Our study for an exam or work to finish a big assignment often feels like eating the magnitude of an elephant. So just like the joke, I think it helps us to avoid study stress if we do a bit of study or tackle a part of our assignment each day.

Celebrating My Body

Celebrating My Body

I’ve always found it amusing watching people check themselves out in the large window of a shop they walk past, or peer carefully at their face in a mirror in a public bathroom. That was until one day, I found…drum roll…layers of something looking suspiciously like fat lumps on the sides of my hips. I had never noticed these strange growths before. I then began displaying strange behaviour I had watched others doing for years. I’d stop and look at my butt from various angle in mirrors, I’d lift the flab up and move it around after I got out of the shower and I only just stopped short of asking my husband, “Does my butt look big in this?”

The Healing Journey of Marriage

The Healing Journey of Marriage

One thing I know to be true about marriage (having been married for 14 years) is that marriage is all about personal and spiritual growth. I watch people who give their marriage up when it gets really hard and I wonder if it’s because they don’t realise that it is precisely at that moment of intense pain that the work of marriage is being done.

Don't Forget Your Homework!

Don't Forget Your Homework!

Have you ever found yourself driving your kids to school or the bus stop and as you are turning into the car park you hear the ominous words: “Uh oh!” Your heart sinks. “Mum/Dad I’ve forgotten my lunch, hat, homework, class pet, togs, pjs, excursion permission note, musical instrument, or that project you’d stayed up all night finishing for them!”

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