From whispered wonderings to full-on intrusive thoughts, taking hold of our thoughts and filtering them through these questions can help us.
Anxiety lives in the realm of possibility...
My pants could fall down if I walked on the stage.
I might say the wrong thing and embarrass myself.
He might say no.
But I don't think we can afford to keep losing energy and time reliving these thoughts when the chance of them happening is very, very low and our ability to manage whatever comes is actually very, very high.
To protect your mind (and sanity) and avoid spiralling negative thoughts, focus on what is actually true and in fact what is absolutely true.
Could it be true? YES
Is it true? MAYBE
Is it absolutely true? NO
The reality of this, shuts down the endless spiral of anxious thoughts and gives us mental freedom.
So you might choose to join me in saying:
Right now, I am okay.
I can cope with whatever challenge comes my way, because God is my strength.
I will take healthy risks to step into my destiny.
I am no longer choosing to allow fear to hold me back!