A local Deputy Principal testimony
Relational Leadership is part of our Growing the Heart of a Leader series
At The Lighthouse we believe in the Power of Holistic Relational Leadership to build...
Strong Personal Character in People
Quality Relational Connection between People
Healthy & Effective Community with People
Safe Transformative Culture for People
We became aware that in work and family spaces, where interpersonal communication and personal emotional management skills are paramount, most people have not had any training and so do not navigate these relationships as well as they would like. In order to address this deficit, we offer intentional training and practice to help people grow these essential skills.
We designed Professional Development Courses and Workshops for Emerging Leaders, Middle Managers and Parents who needed to learn how to lead their teams, communities & families more effectively & improve work place and home culture through the skills of ‘Leading Relationally’. Since 2015 we have been sharing these in Australia, NZ and Canada helping Leaders, Business Owners and Teams, NGO’s, Institutional Teams and Employees, Education Leaders such as Principals and Deputy Principals, Camp Directors and Facilitators, Youth Specialists and Families get a grip on how to create amazing connection, trust and belonging and to show them just how great working together can be.
“Chris’s Relational Leadership course has transformed my life, both personally and professionally. I have grown as a person (Wife and Mother) and as a Leader. Never before have I engaged with professional development that has enabled me to connect in such a meaningful way. Chris’s teaching style is engaging and he has a remarkable ability to make abstract concepts, both easy to comprehend and relatable. I truly can’t explain how much difference this course has made to my life in such a short period of time.
I have been able to share my learning with my team of 20 staff and it has made a visible impact on our team culture. In addition, my relationship with each and every team member has improved drastically from my revised way of operating due to my knowledge.”
Bec Gould, Head of Special Education Services
Coolum High, Queensland
“Chris Mitchell has already had a significant impact on our school through his insightful work. Since inviting Chris to Elim Christian College, we would be highly reluctant to work with anyone else. With empathy, sensitivity, wisdom and uncanny discernment Chris speaks into the culture of our school, highlighting and addressing deficiencies, identifying strengths and encouraging focused reflection. Chris works easily with senior leaders, teachers, administration and support personnel. Staff can't wait to get him back and as Principal he comes with my highest recommendation. “
Murray Burton MNZM Principal, Elim Christian College
Auckland, New Zealand
“Thank you for the opportunity to attend the BOOST Manager training in Auckland earlier this month. What a fantastic two days worth! The high caliber of the trainers, their excellent content and outstanding delivery style made this a highly engaging and impacting event. This is easily one of the best leadership training events I have attended: highly practical with a firm foundation, and further enriched by the wealth of experience in the room. That was certainly value for time spent and I will be unpacking these tools and learnings, to apply them back in my team and community, for years to come. Thank you for equipping us with such excellent tools to lead well in our communities.”
Debbie Corson,
Manager of Transform Aotearoa, New Zealand